Hours of Operation
Clinic Hours
Clinical hours vary based upon our therapist’s availability. Typically, sessions are scheduled in the afternoons and evenings (noon – 8pm) Monday through Thursday. We have therapists who also schedule in the mornings based on their professional availablity.
Administrative Hours
The OSU Couple and Family Therapy Clinic’s administrative team is available by phone or email Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm. Clients and prospective clients can reach out to use by phone 614-292-3671 or email cftclinic@osu.edu during these hours and expect a follow up response within 2 business.
Located in Bevis Hall on West Campus of The Ohio State University in the 110 Suite. Bevis Hall is conveniently located on Carmack Road, near the intersection of Lane and Kenny. There are parking spaces for clients in close proximity to the building.

1080 Carmack Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210
110 Bevis Hall
Contact Us

Phone: 614-292-3671
Fax: 614-292-6675

E-mail: cftclinic@osu.edu